Flowers, towels and a balanced stack of massaging stones

Annindita Palaus

Annindita Palaus is a Reiki Master in Usui Reiki, Celtic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Self Love Reiki, Angel Reiki, Celtic Wisdom Reiki and Bear Reiki. She is a Reconnective Healing Practitioner as well as a Facilitator for The Reconnection TM.

She is a Certified NLP Practitioner and is a graduate of the Silva Method of meditation. Annindita has been teaching Reiki, Meditation and Manifestation Mastery workshops since 2011 and is an NCBTMB certified Continuing Education provider. She is also the author of The Healing Sutras: Mastering The Science Of Self Healing available on Amazon.

Upcoming Classes

September 22 - 22, 2024 Abundance Revolution

Create Greater Abundance with Ease and Flow


August 10 - 11, 2024 Usui Reiki Levels I, II, & III

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