Flowers, towels and a balanced stack of massaging stones

Transform Trauma

August 02 - 03, 2025


Now more than any other time in our profession, we need to adjust appropriately to our clients who are anxious, stressed, and feeling the traumatic effects from cumulative stress as well. How we resource, practice self-care, and manage our own nervous system regulation will impact your clients. This seminar has helped many LMT's over the last decade to be more resilient and discover self-embodiment practices, to then be available to their clients. Come with an open heart and mind, be willing to dive into the experiential weekend to discover things about yourself, and others, in this always changing world.

Come spend a weekend with Dell and Joni to dive into experiencing laughter, joy, and peace and come away feeling more resilient and alive! We will focus on our strengths and what we can do to turn around the way the world impacts us and how we can become more available to our loved ones, and to all of our clients.

Registration will close on July 26th, so sign up today!

Hands on techniques and CEU's will be given for this seminar. Contact Joni directly with any questions (941) 374-0965.

Saturday & Sunday 9:00am - 6:00pm - NCBTMB approved course.

Limit of 16 students, with a minimum of 5 for the course to be held.

Course assisted by Dell Dell'Armo, LMT.

Price is a special rate for 2024 and discounted to $250 for current students and those who have graduated with in 1 year from the class date. Please call 941-957-0577 to register for the student discount.

Available Florida CEUs: 16

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An Experiential Exploration of the Impact of Trauma on the Body

Joni Masse LMT, Assisted by Dell Dell'Armo, LMT

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